Iwwer eis

VIVI, déi weltgréisste professionnell Outdoorsport- a Vëlosausrüstungsmark.
De VIVI ass engagéiert fir One-Stop-Verkaf a Servicer vun elektresche Vëloen an Outdoor-Sportprodukter fir Outdoor- a Vëlo-Enthusiaster ze bidden, an ass engagéiert fir Clienten eng méi gesond a méi ëmweltfrëndlech Outdoor-Qualitéitsliewen an Outdoorsporterfahrung ze bidden.

Eis Firma

VIVI ass eng Technologiefirma déi sech op Outdoorsport a Gesondheets- an Emweltschutzdéngschter konzentréiert.
  • D'Firma gouf am Joer 2015 gegrënnt an huet an de leschte leschte Joeren e séiere Wuesstum erlieft. Joer.

  • D'Firma konzentréiert sech op elektresche Vëloen, elektresch Scooter, Smart Outdoor Sportsausrüstung an aner Serie vu Produkter, déi Outdoorsportléisungen an Outdoorprodukt OEM Service Provider fir global Clienten ubidden.
  • D'Firma ass zu engem globalen Geschäft gewuess, deen héich performant elektresch Vëloen a qualitativ héichwäerteg Outdoorausrüstung verkaaft.

Eis Produktioun

D'Firma hält sech un den integréierte Wee vum Design, Fuerschung an Entwécklung, Produktioun a Verkaf un, designt an entwéckelt onofhängeg eng Vielfalt vu Produkter wéi elektresch Mountainbikes, elektresch Stadvëloen, elektresch Scooter an Outdoor Reiden Ausrüstung, an huet eng Zuel vun Erfindungen Patenter a Software an Hardware Copyright. D'OEM Produktioun vu Produkter ass strikt am Aklang mat dem ISO9001 Qualitéitsmanagement System Standard, an ass mat engem 10.000-Niveau Standard staubfreie Produktiounsatelier ausgestatt.

Eise Produkt

All Produkt representéiert dat wat mir gär hunn an der Welt an där mir liewen. Mir hoffen datt se Iech och inspiréieren.

VIVI electric bicycles are independently designed and developed by VIVI design studio. The professional VIVI design team takes health, environmental protection and customer experience as the core to ensure that the products are more in line with your outdoor sports needs.

 Each of our products has been carefully selected. VIVI selects and customizes bike accessories from global premium bike equipment companies. The accessories we choose include world-renowned brands, such as SHIMANO, SRAM,CST,XDS,CATEYE, etc. At the same time, our product line is also equipped with various bike accessories to meet your different needs!

  • Produzéiert déi héchst Qualitéitsprodukter

  • Benotzerdefinéiert Saache mat Suergfalt entworf

  • Premium Qualitéit feinste Handwierk

Eis Zertifizéierungen

Eis Produkter goufen vun autoritären Organisatiounen op der Welt getest an zertifizéiert, an hunn CE, RoHS, UL, FCC, UKCA, an Reach Zertifizéierungen ausgestallt vun internationalen Zertifizéierungsagenturen.

 Mir hunn Büroen an den USA Staaten, China, Däitschland, Polen, an d'Tschechesch Republik, a féieren online Verkaf ronderëm d'Welt. Eis Produkter ginn an méi wéi 30 Länner a Regiounen wéi Europa, Amerika an Asien-Pazifik exportéiert.


Eis Missioun&Visioun

Focus op Passioun, Genéisst d'Liewen

Buying an electric bike gives you joy, not trouble! Riding a bike gives you the passion, not the danger! It's this fundamental characteristic that drives us and inspires us to make electric bikes accessible to everyone.

We started our product line and are proud to bring you the best collection of electric bikes.

Cycling is your way of life. VIVI brings you a brand new electric bike for easy and enjoyable off-road and adventure.

Eis Missioun

VIVI gouf mat enger Missioun gegrënnt: Clienten echt, qualitativ héichwäerteg elektresch Vëloen ze bidden.

Our Vision

Be the leader in green and healthy electric bikes and let everyone ride their favorite electric bikes.

Our Responsibility

 In 2021, we decided to launch our online store
Why Choose Us?

viviebikes.com is our official online retail website. The team is committed to providing you with low-cost, high-quality products and professional customer service to ensure that you obtain high-quality products with the widest range of choices and reasonable prices.We're glad that you found us, and hope you will enjoy our products as we do!


Affordable and High Quality

Sophisticated, durable, high quality and comfortable to use.

Green and healthy products

Green, environmentally friendly and recyclable.

Our Activities

Ride VIVI electric bicycle and be a low-carbon practitioner

VIVI focuses on environmental protection and low-carbon development. We partner with Ecologi, Regreener and we plant a tree every time you buy. You can also click the green button at checkout to add a small donation to your carbon offset shopping basket. We will plant additional trees for you. These offsets reduce the environmental impact of purchase-related carbon emissions. We are proud to be part of the fight against climate change.(https://ecologi.com/viviebike)


We reached so far

Go Green with Viviebike
Total Distance Riden
Active Riders
Total CO₂ Emissions Saved
Trees Planted
Equivalent Trees Planted

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